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Targeting injustice through place-based work | Renaisi

Founder Camille from @theblackwellbeingcollective & Dominic CEO The West of England Centre for Inclusive Living (WECIL) wecil_charity held discussions targeting the root causes of injustice in a place. ⁠

💫The space was open to learn from experiences, particularly focusing on the importance of lived experience leadership and connecting to place in targeting injustice.⁠

We held conversation around: ⁠
💫Common learning around how a place-lens can support targeting injustice⁠
💫 The challenges and tensions that one can face in aiming to target root causes via a place-based approach⁠
💫 Approaches identifying the root causes of injustice in place and centring lived experience⁠
💫 Place-based organisations’ role in addressing justice at a national policy level⁠

June 19

Ceramic Painting Workshop | Black Thrive Lambeth

October 12

The Body Shop | Art Therapy & Gratitude Workshop