Taking Care of You Programme 2023

We partnered with Justice Initiative Together to host an 8 week wellbeing programme this 2023. Through research and consulting, many racialised groups who work in the migration & refugee sector have been facing burnout, overwhelm and experiences of vicarious/ racial trauma, on a case by case basis. This wellbeing programme supplied attendees with ways they can look after themselves, providing room to reflect and acknowledge wellbeing needs.

Our purpose

The purpose of this programme supplies participants with 8 weeks of wellbeing sessions to create a space to explore ways we can improve our mental health maintenance and sustain our wellbeing amongst works challenges.

We use a creative, therapeutic and person-centred approach to create a space of comfort, understanding and shared experiences to all participants.

Our sessions are led by expert therapists, psychologists and professionals in the sector who all share lived experiences.

Community & Compassion

Creating a space of trust and comfort is important to our collective and the programmes we develop. Wellbeing improvement is both an individual and collective experience.

The Taking Care of You programme ensures that lived experiences and cultural awareness is considered with compassion and validation for the community we serve. The wonderful group of facilitators share their own lived experiences and relate to the group with a listening ear, co-designing interactive and activity driven sessions every week for 8 weeks.

“Self care if not selfish, it’s necessary and essential to everyones practice”

Why this is important?

Work-placed stress can cause impactful challenges on the mind, body and mental strength of an individual. Anti- burnout strategies, self compassion and self care tools are essential, not only for the the organisation but for the individuals who continue to work and support others.

Many racialised groups face can experience vicarious and racial trauma on a day-to-day basis.

We are grateful for our partnership with the wonderful funders at Justice Initiative Together who have enabled this programme to exist.


Since attending the ‘Taking Care of You Programme’ things feel less heavy. I’m taking time for myself and not feeling guilty about taking a break. This has boosted my productivity as I’m putting my wellbeing first.

I feel more present with my family too, I can spend quality time and appreciate these moments. The programme has impacted my life.
— Programme Attendee
This was a wonderful experience. The fact that we have shared experiences and are all racialized really helped build the relationship. We were also able to share the same passion and enthusiasm. Our goals were very much aligned as a group therefore it felt more of a fair, reflective experience and willingness to change and put wellbeing and self care as a priority.
I definitely have taken parts of this programme and implemented this into my life. I feel lighter and more fulfilled
— Programme Attendee



Are you looking for a wellbeing programme?

In partnership and funded by Justice Initiative Together

Our Partnerships

Supported by The Body Shop

Supported by Everyone Everyday

Programme Team